
Archive for January, 2011


In the early 1600’s was when the first recorded case of an STD,gonorrhea, was noted. It wasnt until the late 1950’s was the first HIV case discovered in NYC.

Std’s can be just as deadly as cancer. You can start off with NO symptoms at all. And by the time that you do have symptoms, it could have been spreaded by then. Thats why it is so very important to know your STATUS and to protect yourself with every sexual encounter. Espically young teens and adults that are dating. They take the most risk ever at this age.  Not having a care in the world . And espically not thinking that they could get an STD.

Most people still have the frame of mind, “they don’t look sick”! Come on, if you believe that then you need a serious reality check! You would be surprised with just the everyday people you know. At least one out of five people have had an STD before. You would of never known it.

This is why it is so very important to know your status. Knowing this, could mean the matter of life or death for you.

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